McDonnell faked the moon landing with Elvis.

A report from the Virginia Tea Party Convention today: On the way inside, actually, I was handed a leaflet from the Virginia Taxpayers Association blasting McDonnell for “accepting Obama’s appointment to the unlawful, unconstitutional Council of Governors” because “it ensures endorsement of him for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination by the ultra secret, ultra powerful …

The Waldo Jaquith approval committee unanimously endorses this blog entry.

Good news for the governor: “The Simplification and Operations Committee of the Commission on Government Reform and Restructuring today officially approved adoption of the governor’s ABC privatization plan.” I’m sure that getting his plan through the committee comes as a great relief to him. Wait, the what committee? Oh. The Commission will consist of up …

Sheila Johnson just can’t be surprised by McDonnell.

During last fall’s election, former BET owner Sheila Johnson endorsed Bob McDonnell because she despises Creigh Deeds, on a personal level. What the backstory is there, I have no idea. But for her, this was personal. So I really got a kick out of seeing Johnson get all upset at McDonnell for his Confederate History …

“Jobs governor”?

Can we all agree that the notion of either gubernatorial candidate being a “jobs governor” (as McDonnell has branded himself) is fundamentally bullshit? A governor has a very limited capacity to create jobs. I will buy that it’s possible that a governor, over the course of four years, can woo a couple of big employers …

McDonnell doubts global climate change exists at all.

Bob McDonnell just doesn’t think that people have anything to do with global climate change, and the AP’s Bob Lewis asked him some hard questions about it. Climate scientists are unanimous: the temperature is going up, and human are doing it. But McDonnell says he merely “thinks” that global climate change is real, but says …

McDonnell loves, loathes gays.

Shorter Bob McDonnell: I believe nothing that I said I believed. Except for that business about being able to fire queers. That I’m totally down with. But it has nothing to do with when I said that in my thesis, for reasons I can’t explain. Some of my best friends are sodomites. Look, a blimp! …

McDonnell caved on this business of a no-tax pledge.

Back in June I was impressed that Bob McDonnell had refused to pledge not to raise taxes. A grownup Republican running for governor! What a relief. But…no. He caved when I wasn’t looking: Deeds’s Republican opponent, former attorney general Robert F. McDonnell, repeated his pledge not to raise taxes for roads or anything else. Lame. …