Another evangelical pastor is outed.

AP: Another evangelical pastor of a megachurch has resigned in a gay sex scandal. He says he’s known he’s gay since he was a little kid. Barnes married with two grown children. I wonder how many prominent pastors will have to admit that they’re gay before their followers figure out that these men are not …

Two bits of C’ville news.

I’ve had a lot to write about lately on one of my other blogs,, and some of y’all might be interested in two of those stories. The first is that some Christianists are all in a lather that a pagan flier was sent home with school kids…but it was only sent home because Jerry …

Allen’s tight end.

Sen. George Allen on his defeat: “Football…fumble, offsides violation…miscalled play…first quarter…second quarter…quarterback or coach…the team…” It’s this sort of pap that helped lose him the race. He’s incapable of speaking like a normal human being. Yes, your father was a coach of a team a bajillion years ago. We know. For the love of all …

“For the Record” video.

WHTJ was kind enough to provide me with a DVD of my September appearance on “For the Record”, their nationally-syndicated political discussion show. Better still, they cheerfully agreed to let me share the video here. Since the reviews weren’t too bad, why not? I find this unbearable to watch. My frequent blinking, the fact that …

CNN takes on Sen. Inhofe’s climate change denials.

Somehow I missed CNN’s fisking of Sen. Inhofe back in September. It’s great. Here’s a friendly tip: if you think that global warming doesn’t exist, you are an enormous idiot with the IQ of a sea sponge who, in the name of consistency, should also insist that we live in a geocentric universe and that …