3 replies on “Bush’s approval rating drops.”

  1. It is all becoming hideously surreal. GW wanders the Whitehouse and aides become suddenly quiet in his troubled presence. Reality is closing in and it isn’t pretty. The worst foreign policy blunder in American history – the Invasion of Iraq is a shambles, with no good way out. The spiraling violence is spinning off new Jihadists, and copy-cat insurrection.

    The immensely connected father, George Herbert Walker Bush is despondent. His churlish boy has rebuffed the Iraq Study Group lifeline provided by the elder. Kharma has asserted itself in the House of Bush and unless you are a Republican well-up on the payroll, you want nothing to do with Baby Bush. Many have taken to referring to themselves as “Libertarians”. But for Daddy Bush the pain is all too real, too close to hide:


  2. What are the winning numbers for tonight’s Mega Millions drawing? I mean, since you’re clairvoyant.

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