Not a good look for Rep. Goode.

Check out the image of Rep. Virgil Goode that CNN is using: Ouch. That’s really not a good look for his day in the the court of public opinion. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than the black trenchcoat, black fedora look that’s so in these days. (Thanks to David Sewell for that …

The games have begun.

With Frederick Frommer’s story for the AP one hour ago, the Goode story has left the internets and moved into the media. See also the Richmond Times-Dispatch story and WRC’s story. Linwood Duncan (Goode’s spokesman) told them all, natch, that Goode has nothing more to say, will not apologize, and he stands by his letter. …

Rep. Goode in the spotlight.

C-Ville Weekly’s exposure of the real Rep. Virgil Goode is getting some serious online traction since I posted about it at 3pm today. Talking Points Memo Muckraker picked it up, with their Paul Kiel linking to my entry an hour and a half later. It exploded from there, with everybody from Think Progress to Glenn …

“Goode makes complete ass of self.”

Rep. Virgil Goode sent this letter out to hundreds of his constituents last week, accidentally sending one to a normal human being. C-Ville Weekly publishes it in their current issue. Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515-4605 December 7, 2006 Dear Xxxxxxx: Thank you for your recent communication. When I raise …

Fire trucks and New Urbanism.

When explaining the obstacles thrown up by traditional development patterns to New Urbanist development, I often point out that a major problem is the size of our fire trucks. (Something I learned from Duany Plater-Zyberk’s “Suburban Nation,” a book I reread annually.) Jim Bacon explains how fire trucks and related regulations are proving problematic to …