Allen’s tight end.

Sen. George Allen on his defeat: “Football…fumble, offsides violation…miscalled play…first quarter…second quarter…quarterback or coach…the team…” It’s this sort of pap that helped lose him the race. He’s incapable of speaking like a normal human being. Yes, your father was a coach of a team a bajillion years ago. We know. For the love of all that is good and holy, stop talking about it.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “Allen’s tight end.”

  1. Hey, I am of that “certain age.” Redskins football was about the only thing that my blue collar Michigan family knew about Virginia when we’d travel back to visit for the holidays.

  2. If only he could be more like John Kerry and leave the past behind. “Reporting for duty…”

  3. Sorry, but the Kerry analogy doesn’t work. A candidate’s past military service has present relevance to many voters. So… it kind makes sense to remind people of it, if it’s something to be proud of, if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for (commander in chief, in Kerry’s case), if most listeners will understand the reference, and if reminding people of this or calling attention to this part of your past will help you get votes. Care to explain how your Kerry analogy holds up to this criticism of George Allen’s goofy tendency to drop references to his dad’s former occupation? Don’t most candidates on both sides of the aisle mention their military experience if they have some, and if it’s a positive thing on their resumes?

  4. And it worked out really well for him, didn’t it? Serving 4 months in SE Asia, picking up 3 (at least 2 of which were dubious) Purple Hearts, and then talking about it blah, blah, blah.

    Thanks. I’ll take football analogies, Tereeeeeerzzzzzza.

  5. Smails:
    I can’t believe you’re still defending the campaigning techniques of a guy who dropped a 33 point lead this year. Obviously, he did something wrong.

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