Charlottesville Democratic committee reorganization.

Once every couple of years, we Charlottesville Democrats redefine who we are. The core of the party is the 100 people who serve on the Central Committee. These are the people who run the show. If you are a Charlottesville Democrat and you want to run the show — and I encourage you to want …

Charlottesville, Democratic capital of Virginia.

From Bloomberg: “The urban sprawl isn’t just inhabited by golf club-wielding stockbrokers. It’s the bleeding over of Charlottesville.” — Eric von Geilker, a housing contractor who lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, talking about Albemarle County’s vote for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, after voting for Republicans since at least the 1950s. The county surrounds Charlottesville, which …

WINA, Progress RSS feeds.

For all you Charlottesville kids, I’ve set up screen-scraped RSS feeds for The Daily Progress and WINA. It’s not as exhaustive as if each of ’em would get off their managerial butts and have their techs get with the ’00s and spend 30 minutes writing a proper newsfeed, but it’s something.

Mr. Jefferson’s Crips?

Today’s Roanoke Times has an article about increased gang activity in the Roanoke/Salem/Blacksburg area. Well, not actually increased gang activity, they admit, but there’s been some graffiti that is painted in red, the color used by the Bloods, so, y’know… Anyhow, here’s my favorite bit, about the Latin Kings, the Bloods and the Crips moving …