Baseman at Second Street.

One of my favorite artists is Gary Baseman. He’s like an evil(er) Walt Disney, rendering cartoon characters doing things that cartoon characters generally don’t do. His happy, brightly-colored images look glossier-than-life, and cry out to be rendered in three dimensions. You may know him for the game “Cranium,” for which he did all of the …

Daily Progress supports actual recounts.

Today’s Charlottesville Daily Progress editorializes in favor of actual recounts, rather than merely re-reading existing totals: A good tweak of Virginia’s new recount law would specify a recounting standard. The state should recount the ballots available to be rerun through machines. A too-vague standard in the new law instead allows counting totals from machines unless …

Flickr photos on Charlottesville Blogs?

On the Charlottesville blogs aggregator I include Flickr photos tagged with “Charlottesville”. I really like this, and enjoy the pictures that appear. But at least a couple of people have told me that they find it annoying, and would rather that the pictures didn’t show up in the feed. Do any C’ville blog readers have …

Stunned White-Throated Sparrow.

This little guy thumped up against against my sliding glass door this afternoon. He had some quality time in a warm, dark shoebox before I released him outside an hour or so later. He couldn’t fly, but could flutter well enough to escape me, so that assured his freedom. Ado Annie guarded him from a …

Quality blogging.

Sally’s Fixpert is, hands-down, the best-looking blog in Charlottesville. I think that every time that I see it, so I figure it’s about time I called it up. Don’t miss her stories about the Crutchfield hacky sack club, the CSSification of Crutchfield Advisor or, my favorite, the time Pizza caught a deer.