Power back.

Phew. That sucked. We lost power at 8:30am. It was back on by the time we got home, shortly before 11pm — I gather it was off most of the day. The websites that I’d managed to move over to my new host last night worked throughout, but several sites (including this one and cvilleblogs.com) were down for the duration, thanks to the lack of electricity in my coat closet.

I’ll get these sites moved to a proper server in the next few days.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Power back.”

  1. All day long I was asking the powers that be if we could please keep our electricity until 6pm, allowing me to finish laundry, bake bread, fill the bathtubs and jugs with water, and make dinner. I was grateful that we had it until 7pm on Thursday. It came back on last night around 7pm, so we basically had only 24 hours without electric. The biggest hassle was the loss of water (the well pump needs electricity to run), and the fear of losing 40 pounds of venison in the freezer.

    I’ve always wanted to live as self-sufficiently as possible, and with the above exceptions, we managed quite nicely – at least for a day anyway. My first thought is to get a generator, but then I have to make sure we have lots of gas around to run it. The next thought is something like solar panels, or maybe even hydroelectric – we have a creek running close to the house. Wow, talk about self-sufficiency. It would be so cool to be able to wean ourselves off the grid.

  2. You’re moving your hosting out of your closet? Johnny is retiring?

    Yes, Johnny is retiring. :) But his days of retirement will be happy ones — he’ll spend his days living the simple life of a back up server, an intranet WebDAV server, and a staging server for testing websites. I think he’ll be happy — the work is easy, but he’ll still be able to keep busy. ;)

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