The games have begun.

With Frederick Frommer’s story for the AP one hour ago, the Goode story has left the internets and moved into the media. See also the Richmond Times-Dispatch story and WRC’s story. Linwood Duncan (Goode’s spokesman) told them all, natch, that Goode has nothing more to say, will not apologize, and he stands by his letter. I’ll be very surprised, as I’ve said, if Goode says another word about this.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “The games have begun.”

  1. He has about 48 hours to stall before the country goes into holiday mode and everyone forgets about it. The public has a short attention span and something else will get noticed, so all the Congressman has to do is clam up and stall in order to avoid taking any responsibility for his words.

  2. Dude, Waldo, in 24 hours, you singlehandedly took this story from the C’Ville Weekly to a top story on the front page of

    Power to the people!

  3. Not hardly singlehandedly. :) John Cruickshank had the good sense to take that letter to the press, C-Ville Weekly had the good sense to publish it, and Talking Points Memo had the good sense to pick up the story after they saw it here. It all spread from TPM.

    I’m glad to have been a conduit, but I didn’t do anything other than that.

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