links for 2009-08-05

  • Two former Blackwater employees have issued sworn statements in a federal court that company founder Erik Prince murdered people who were helping the feds investigate Blackwater. Prince believes that he's "a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe." These are basically the worst fears about Blackwater that are (allegedly) true.
  • I think it's great that the SBE has taken to Twittering, I really do…but I'm pretty sure that the regular exhortations to register to vote are preaching to the choir. If you're following the SBE on Twitter, I don't think registration is something you need to be reminded about.
    (tags: government)
  • Let's all look forward to the headline of 2017: "George Bush liberates burrito from Taco Bell. 'Either you're with me or your against me,' he tells cashier."
  • "Flatland" is also, apparently, a critique of the class structure of Victorian England. It's a bit obvious in retrospect, I suppose.
  • An increasingly-vocal minority of Republicans are providing the president with just the ammunition that he needs to push through healthcare reform. "As you can see, opponents of healthcare reform clearly need assistance in affording proper mental health care," one can imagine him saying, convincingly.
  • TSG deserves some kind of an award for unmasking these jackasses. Jail sentences are in their future, I'm sure. This story is riveting, their investigation thorough and at times appropriately biting. I couldn't bring myself to listen to any of the audio.
    (tags: crime)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “links for 2009-08-05”

  1. As much as I hate Blackwater, those sworn statements look a little fishy to me in some of the details. The part where they allege that Blackwater was smuggling “sawed off semi-automatic machine guns with silencers” was right about where it became completely absurd. It’s like someone just threw together every scary gun-related word that they could to come up with the scariest gun in the world.

    Except of course that ‘semi-automatic’ and ‘machine gun’ are completely contradictory terms. You might as well say that your car is powered by a 4 cylinder V-6 engine. It’s ridiculous.

  2. I’m thinking that they are referring to a new range of select fire auto shotguns being marketed to Special Forces and the Marines. One is a Auto Assault AA-12 CQB which has an illegal 13″ barrel. These things appear to be massively powerful, shotgun-like indiscriminate, and offered with explosive ammo.

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