links for 2009-08-04

  • Pat Mullins: A Wise County insurance office can't get employees from among community college students because the new graduates "preferred to be on welfare." (He's referring to Mountain Empire Community College, presumably.) The Kilgore twins defend Mullins, saying that he meant only that jobs are scarce. Horseshit.
    (tags: politics)
  • We should stop naming our battleships after dead presidents. The U.S.S. Vengance is way more threatening than, say, the U.S.S. Nixon. Well, on second thought…
  • At some point MADD crossed the line from wanting roads to be safer to becoming full-on prohibitionists. As of a few years ago, I'd say my impression of them is generally negative.
  • "DO NOT GO ON CARS.GOV, a disclaimer says by using the site your computer and all of it's files are then property of the government. This means they can look at your computer anytime and if you use a program like Skype they can eaves drop on any call you make." How do people get so dumb that they believe this stuff?
  • It looks for all the world like Clinton has been taken hostage, and this is the video in which he's forced to say that North Korea is awesome and the United States is an evil oppressor.
  • The Times looks at what's behind the trend of backyard chicken keeping. More and more Americans don't trust grocery stores, and facing an unknown economic future, they're looking back to the lessons of the Great Depression and finding self-reliance is awfully important.
  • I love this woman so much. She sounds like an enraged muppet. Let's keep her on TV as much as possible, and make sure the public knows that the majority of Republicans agree with her.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “links for 2009-08-04”

  1. I completely want chickens. I think 4 hens in a coop would do well in the backyard and be manageable. The foxes are what I worry about. But having eaten farm eggs that were basically pulled that morning for 2 years now, I figure it’s the next logical step after the massive garden. And it moves me fully into “crackpot farmer John” category.

  2. The comments to the MADD article were absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the morning lift.

  3. “Enraged muppet” – Spot on! Except the comparison is so unfair to the poor Muppets. I do think Orly and Miss Piggy use the same makeup and air artists, though. I’m so glad I watched that interview. That was so much better than I ever could have imagined. What a great way to start the day.

  4. The American rightwing universe has become a scene from one of those old Westerns, where the ignorant angry mob is pushing down a dusty main street incited by some tragic alpha dumbass under the menacing glow of torches – angling toward the constable’s office looking for some ill defined vengeance.

    Will they be shamed to sensibility by the entreaties of a true leader, or will they be jolted to reality when the Sheriff drops their point man? The further they go, the closer they get to the Sheriff.

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