Edwards is apparently considering running for AG.

It looks like Sen. John Edwards is thinking about running for attorney general (again), or so writes Anita Kumar for the Post. He’s not talking yet, but with only Del. Steve Shannon running for the Democratic nomination at this point, I can see how it would be tempting. Edwards was running against Sen. Creigh Deeds for the nomination for AG four years ago, but ultimately dropped out, clearing the field for Creigh.

Edwards was my senator when I lived in Blacksburg. He was really glad to meet me on at least four occasions.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Edwards is apparently considering running for AG.”

  1. Edwards is a nice guy. I genuinely like him. But last time he tried this I seem to recall that he only raised something like $5,000 for the entire primary (if anyone knows otherwise then please call me on it). He would show up at JJ dinners and shake hands and everything, but beyond that I never saw him demonstrate the kind of skills that a successful candidate for statewide office needs to master.

  2. John Edwards is my state senator. I know him and can say that John is a fine and decent man. However, he is not a good campaigner and benefits from having a Democratic-leaning district and incumbency.

    John Edwards should not make a run for the AJ nomination. He would just waste his time and what little money he could raise.

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