State senators form the Commonwealth Caucus.

I’m glad to see that two Democratic and two Republican state senators have formed the “Commonwealth Caucus”. Richard Stuart, Jill Vogel, Ralph Northam and John Miller are going “to try to put Virginia above party affiliation.” Some would say that this is just Democrats caving to the minority party but, hell, that’s no reason to ignore 19 senators.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “State senators form the Commonwealth Caucus.”

  1. Jill Vogel still has a chance to redeem herself, but first, I would like to hear an explanation of what was going on in Ohio in 2004. She was the RNC counsel, and was going to meetings with people who thought the caging scam was ‘a gold mine’.

    No one has asked her that question, as far as I know, and I have copies of emails reputed to be those that were sent to the wrong White House address in 2004, during the Presidential race.

    See my poor attempt to explain it:

    Vote Caging and Jill Vogel

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