The R&B has endorsed Perriello.

Well, if this isn’t big news, I don’t know what is: the Danville Register & Bee has endorsed Tom Perriello for Congress. There’s no endorsement in the 5th District that’s harder to get, none more important than the R&B’s. As they point out, they’ve endorsed Virgil Goode every two years since 1996.

The editorial board writes that either “Goode is so far out of the American mainstream that his views are politically toxic [or] he doesn’t have the power and the pull to get anything done in Washington.” They agree with his position on immigration, but describe his bizarre attacks on Mexican restaurants and his fellow congressman Keith Ellison as “at best stupid, and at worst, dangerous.” In short, the paper finds that he’s become a member of the angry right, unable to work with his colleagues, self-marginalized to ineffectiveness.

Nobody knows how much of an impact that editorials have on elections. But to the extent to which they indicate the prevailing sentiment of an area, it’s hard to find a much better sign for Perriello’s odds on Tuesday than this. This must be a sad morning in the Goode office.

I just sent another contribution to Perriello’s campaign, $100.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “The R&B has endorsed Perriello.”

  1. I think it is great that newspapers can still have an actual thought besides what the corporate office tells them.

    Speaking of that, what the hell is wrong with the Daily Progress? Are they missing something, or did somebody get to them?

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