Wendy gets a bath.

Wendy Gets a Bath
In 2003, Amber and I took in a pair of feral kittens and nursed them back to health. This is Wendy, at eight weeks of age, getting her first bath. She really, really disliked it.

I wrote about this at the time, but I like the photo so much that I just had to share it anew these four years later.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

15 replies on “Wendy gets a bath.”

  1. Once, at age three, I tried to put my Orange Tabby into an inflatable pool, presumably to test his swimming ability. Immediately upon touching the water, the cat made a horrible screeching sound and jumped from the pool, digging his claws into the side on the way out. He was traumatized for a few hours after that, but was otherwise completely unharmed. The inflatable pool, on the other hand, didn’t make it out alive.

    This photo reminded me of that…

  2. I can’t remember if it was Mo or Mr. Jones, but I used to have a cat that LIKED showers. He was totally fascinated by them.

    Strange creatures. Best not to feed them after midnight. ;)

  3. Cory, me cat loves the shower and doesn’t mind taking a bath. He also tries to drink out of the toilet and drags my socks into his litter box.

    My dog likes to wear sweaters, carry feathers in his mouth, and he only humps men and male dogs.

    If my animals are this strange, I probably shouldn’t have children.

  4. I’ve had three cats who occupied the bathroom floor watching me shower. I could never figure out if it was because they liked water and wanted to join, or because they thought of me as one of their own–an oversized, hairless cat–who had gone temporarily insane.

    The only cat I’ve had who reacted as badly to a bath as Wendy was Pounce, who got washed down a storm drain during an Ark-like event in Spring 1999 and ever after was aquaphobic.

  5. My sister in law ended up adopting both Wendy and Emma. While visiting her a couple of years later, Amber and I were trying to tell if we’d had any impact on these cat’s lives in the month or so that we cared for them. There was no obvious sign of recognition. But then Gretchen (said sister in law) mentioned one odd trait of Wendy’s: she curls up in the bathroom sink, and really enjoys it when the water is turned on, soaking her.


  6. When my cat first showed up on the doorstep many years ago she was only four or so weeks old and filthy as all get out. Her first bath was a nightmare and that crazy thing goes for the eyes, let me tell you. Now I just pay other people to do it and they’re smart enough to trim her nails first.

  7. Jaime, my cat drinks out of the toilet so much that she actually will scratch at it if the lid is down. She’ll also flip out and watch the water when it flushes. As afraid of water as she is she sure is facinated by it.

  8. Jason,
    There’s a pretty funny video on youtube of a cat repeatedly flushing the toilet and watching the water go ’round.

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