Ado Annie and Lady Bird bask.

Ado Annie and Lady Bird bask in the sun.
It’s 20° outside, it’s more like 80° with the magic of passive solar heating.

The sun having moved along, the two are now curled up in front of the wood stove. I’d offer them some hot chocolate, but you just know that would end badly.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Ado Annie and Lady Bird bask.”

  1. Well, actually, Waldo, after some experimentation, my friends and I have determined that dog + can of whipped cream = fun. Not the same as hot chocolate, but it ends less badly. ;)

    For the record, this has only been proven with really, really, really dumb but also extraordinarily happy Labs. And she really went for the whipped cream before we could get it away from her (you don’t want to know…really. For not having opposable thumbs, the dog sure can do a lot.) But still. It was amusing.

  2. My wife and I had some friends over for dinner about a year ago. We’d purchased a can of chocolate whipped cream for the purpose of dessert. One of said friends squirted out a dollop on her finger and fed it to Annie. Annie, whoever never ever gets people food, thought this was the greatest thing ever.

    Six months later — the next time we had cause to purchase a can of whipped cream — I squirted some out out and bam Annie came running. I was totally mystified until Amber explained Annie’s new association to me. :)

    This from the dog who can get her leash wrapped halfway around a tree and will stand there, utterly helpless, until we guide her six inches in the other direction.

  3. Hello: I am trying to send an email to your mom, Janis. The e-address I had for her was but that doesn’t work. She and I had corresponded via email before regarding book publishing. If I send the contents of my email to you, will you please forward it to her? Thanks, Judy, Blacksburg, VA

  4. I was looking for a student and found your blog (long story). I saw the posting on looking for an alternative to SPSS for a student. SAS offers a point and click interface that might work for them. I read that it was a PhD student who was looking for the software at a low cost.

    I think I can help the student. (That post is closed, so I thought I would post here.) If you have any information about how I can get in touch with the student, please feel free to email me…. or send my information on to them.



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