Limbaugh imitating Parkinson’s.

I just saw the video of Rush Limbaugh mocking Parkinson’s Disease for the first time, with Limbaugh twitching his limbs and flailing about while accusing Michael J. Fox of faking his symptoms. What an asshole.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Limbaugh imitating Parkinson’s.”

  1. Looks like C&L was redirecting the link to their front page, probably because I linked directly to the video. I’ve linked to the blog entry, rather than the video, which should do the trick.

  2. I have been listening to Rush’s show on and off, and the crux of the matter is that embryonic stem cell research does not have any venture capital being thrown at it like the other stem cell research projects.

    i.e. $$ will follow success, if private capital $$$ are funding the other types of research, which are worth the gamble of private $$ then the logical conclusion is that more promise in in those areas.

    On the other hand, the embryonic research is after Federal $$$ or Tax $$, which as we all know is hardly “results oriented”.

    I think any other person beside J Michael Fox, (an actor of course, and a very good actor) would not have drawn the criticism of Rush… We are talking Hollywood here. Declaring Rush and A$$hole is going a bit to far.

    i.e. if Dems can say that the Swift Boat guys were telling lies or exaggerating, about Kerry, why can not Rush put forward the same argument? He is saying that Fox is intentionally off his medicine, as he writes about in his book to illustrate the effects of Parkinsons, or maybe he is even acting, because hopefully he does not suffer badly from Parkinsons…

    I am thinking Janet Reno here… she appeared before Congress, and merely had a shaking of her hands…

  3. I’m not easily offended, and have little patience for those looking to be offended. But this? To accuse a man with a terminal illness of falsifying his symptoms — and to then mock him by imitating them — cannot be justified.

    Remember that Fox did a similar ad for Sen. Arlen Specter two years ago. This is not a partisan matter, though I’m not sure it would make any difference if it was.

  4. Limbaugh is trying to make it sound like the criticism directed toward him is an effort to make him stop saying anything negative about embryonic stem cell research, but in truth it’s because he was being a jerk about Michael J. Fox. Not because he was being a jerk about the prospects of stem cell research.

  5. Spanks,

    1) You seem to oppose federal research grants on the basis that private investment is better, and that basic research is a waste of money because it’s not “results oriented.” While I think that this is wrong, I’d love to be having that debate rather than the actual objections of Republicans about stem cells. Regardless, this has nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh mocking a man with a terminal disease.

    2) On what planet is it going to far to call someone an asshole for making fun of a terminally ill person? You say that it’s alright because Fox is an actor? Would it have been alright for me to make fun of Reagan’s Alzheimers on national television while he was still alive? Perhaps I’m old fashioned, but I consider that to be a low blow.

    3) There’s a huge difference between calling into question the claims of a political action group (Swift Boat Vets for Truth) and mocking a dying man. If you can’t see that, I’m really not sure that we can have any sort of reasoned discourse.

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