3 replies on “Wilder endorses Webb.”

  1. I wonder how many Virginians with African Heritage, await, upon the edge of their seat to hear from the wisdom of Gov. Doug Wilder?

    There is a lot of cynicism among that group of voters, (almost as bad as Americans of Irish heritage), it seems to me that Wilder is perceived as someone who has the “what’s in it for him” stigma.

    Only amplified by 5,000 amps in the Kaine endorsement debacle… because obviously there was “something in it” for some one.

    Paul Goldman has done a lot for Gov. Wilder, but that incident… owww.

    If Gov. Wilder had gone with Allen he would have been seen as a total sell out. I mean come on, Wilder appeared with Allen denouncing Gov. Warner’s tax increase.

    Just part of the feud? Whatever, Webb is making no secret of raising Taxes. What is Gov. Wilder’s principles? What’s best for the people, or what’s best for Gov. Wilder?

    What is the clout of a Gov. Wilder endorsement? Significant, but less than it was….

  2. this is no real surprise either, but I do have a few comments about Dougie, as an employee of the Commonwealth as I was while he was in charge, we got no raises, so from an employee standpoint, it was not to good, but from a citizen standpoint, he was good with the budget, and the idea he had to bring the Redskins to Virginia was a great one, wish it could have happened

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