Progress on Charlottesville Blogs.

In today’s Charlottesville Daily Progress, Liesel Nowak has a nice story about Charlottesville Blogs:

On his, local blogger Waldo Jaquith is celebrating a milestone: the creation of 100 Charlottesville blogs.


In Jaquith’s estimation, it is imperative to link those interests within the same community. That’s why he started, a blog that contains local news posts.

“Linking in the local community is more important,” Jaquith said. “I think blogs are really beneficial to the community because it forces readers to leave their traditional social circle,” Jaquith said. “By reading [local] blogs we really see a pretty good cross section of Charlottesville.”


Jaquith said he hopes more local blogs come to overshadow his.

“Locally, I see more blogs, inevitably, in the months and coming years ahead,” Jaquith said. “I hope that we’ll see more Charlottesville blogs that talk about Charlottesville, that are looking inward instead of looking out at the world. I forecast a strong blogging community in Charlottesville. And I think we’ll have a stronger community for it.”

Yeah, what that guy said.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »