Mike Harrington: A man of firm convictions?

Funny thing.

Mike Harrington, the Republican nominee for the special election for delegate in Lynchburg, put up a website this week. On it, he devotes a whole page to listing his three main convictions. When the site went up, one of those core convictions was his opposition to abortion. Now I see that’s gone, with “traditional values of faith & family” in its place.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Mike Harrington: A man of firm convictions?”

  1. Have you researched the donation to The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth yet? He defeated Robert Garber running as a Moderate and NOW he’s cozied up with Steve Newman and Kathy Byron and can’t use the word Conservative enough!

  2. “Traditional values of faith & family?” Cool! So he must be opposed to torture and domestic spying. I guess that this means that he’s also a big supporter of social welfare programs. Good to hear.

  3. Mike Harrington is the only choice we have and being of neither party my vote goes to Mike.As a small business owner i trust Mike to look after the interest of all small business owners.Mike has all the experience we need in Richmond and will work hard for all Virginians.

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