7 replies on “Design fiddling.”

  1. My blog uses blue and white also, and it hurts my eyes also on some new monitors and laptops. I think that it depends upon the resolution of the monitor and the the amount of space that is bright white.

    If you fiddle and come up with a reason why not to use this scheme please let me know.

    There is also the question of page width. I go with using the full page, as you are doing. Daily Kos throws away width on either side.

    Since Daily Kos has a thousand times as many readers as we do I suspect that perhaps Kos knows something that we don’t. But I always think, why throw away good space on either side of the page? Why not put buttons and stuff there?

    I and the vast majority of Virginia bloggers probably have no formal design experience. So if you care to pass along anything that you discover about page layout I would appreciate it.

  2. Wow. Umm, it is nice to see that you are changing things around a little here, and I love the colors orange and blue. But I definitely agree with you, keep playing around with it. A good color scheme should pop up sooner or later.

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