Polyglot Conspiracy.

I wrote a couple of months ago about one of my favorite Charlottesville blogs, Bill Emory’s photoblog. It’s not alone on my list of local must-reads, though.

Polyglot Conspiracy is a blog after my own heart. It’s a site entirely about the quirks of the English language, tracking its evolution, uses, and misuses. Recent entries of particular interest to me include Staring v. Raving, Scarequotes, Tabloid Italics, and Overage. I suspect that the site would seem as self-parodying to the average reader as “Says You” must seem to the average radio listener.

To a language geek like me, though, Polyglot Conspiracy is a wonderful little corner of the blogosphere where my etymological itch can be scratched, where I can find other people who abhor quotes-as-emphasis and celebrate a clever solution to a dangling preposition.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Polyglot Conspiracy.”

  1. Thanks for the link to Polyglot. It looks like a lot of fun.

    BTW, since you identify yourself as a language geek, and you’re a good writer (and you seem to care about correct grammar), I am compelled as an editor and unrepentant grammarian to tell you this: don’t hyphenate your adverbs. One example I read from you recently was “politically-speaking.” It’s tempting, I know. I catch myself doing it from time to time. An adverb’s “ly” automatically connects it to the word it modifies, so no hyphen is necessary.
    I’ll look it up in my Chicago manual at home later, if you want a cite.

  2. I’m really bad about hyphenating adverbs. Every couple of years I remind myself that it’s bad, but then I slip back into the but it looks so nice mindset. It’s that constant balance between design and accurate grammar and punctuation. Like my current infatuation with italics.

    I actually don’t have a Chicago manual. It’s been sitting on my list of stuff to buy for the past couple of years. Perhaps one of my many family members who read this will buy me one for Christmas.

    Hopefully I didn’t hurt anybody with the weight of that hint.

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