Lowell: Kilgore, Howell, and affirmative action.

At Raising Kaine, Lowell writes about another example of clever coded language used by Jerry Kilgore, this time during Saturday’s debate

In fact, my notes on the debate show that Tim Kaine had, just seconds earlier, pointed out that Jerry Kilgore’s AG office had pressured Virginia Tech and had provided it with faulty legal advice as part of an attempt to intimidate the school into dropping its diversity programs. Kaine then asserted that our universities should be diverse and “should look like Virginia looks.” Right after that, Kilgore smoothly segued into his story about Northern Virginia parents’ (code language: overwhelmingly white people) complaining to him constantly about limited room for their kids at UVA (code language: “my child was denied admission so that a less-qualified black student could have the spot”). This response was obviously not an ad lib on Kilgore’s part, but was undoubtedly well-planned and well-rehearsed by Scott “Black Hands” Howell and company.

Northern Virginia:white kids::Richmond City:black kids.

That’s really clever. I’m impressed.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »