Power to the people.

Well, that sucked.

Amber and I lost power Sunday morning, and just got it back 10 minutes ago. Since we’re out in the country, that means no water, which is really terrible. We made due, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. My servers — which I host — have been down the whole while, so many of my websites have been down. Don’t even complain — you had some freaking water.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

10 replies on “Power to the people.”

  1. Waldo,
    Do you believe in divine intervention? Perhaps the power
    shutdown and your loss of water and servers was a result of your
    crappy treatment of the folks in Sandbridge.
    Since you shut off that thread to further comments, I will respond here.
    I agree with James and Simon Says, regarding the situation you created.
    Interestingly enough when the tide turns on you and comments go in
    a positive direction you shut down the thread. (and put in the last word)
    To me this destroys your whole credibility.
    Go to Corolla. Sandbridge will be better without you.

  2. Uh. No. I shut down the thread as a mercy killing, because I had a strong, strong feeling it would turn into a huge, unfair Sandbridge Realty bashing session. Being completely, utterly, unquestionably in the right, I have the total comfort and ease that inevitably accompanies such a position. I’ll open it up again right now.

    There. Go at it, bucko — have a blast.

    You are, by the way, talking out of your ass: nobody assailed my position in the least (no doubt in part because they have no method of assessing whether or not I’m telling the truth). Comments ranged from “yes they suck” to “I never had any problems” to “Mr. Jaquith probably has a legitimate issue with Sandbridge Realty.” One person posted what appears to be some kind of a personal gripe with the folks who run the joint (which is part of why I shut the thread down), which was rightly rebutted by others, but that’s got nothing to do with my experience.

  3. Power was out from noon Sunday til about 4 in the morning. We did alright, we have a generator and transfer switch (and wood stove). The silly thing was, folks kept turning swithes from habit, so in the wee hours, everything came blasting back, heh, heh…
    The Tramp

  4. My, My, Waldo,
    You certainly get testy when your credibility is questioned.
    My point is you shut down the thread when the comments went
    aganst your point of view. I suppose as “owner of the blog” that
    is your right, however, it certainly spreads doubts about your objectivity to run a blog.
    I see now that Sandbridge Realty has issued an apology.
    This whole situation could have had a happy ending if you had picked
    up the phone and called one of the owners. Instead you choose to
    air your laundry in public and trash the company. Rather juvenile
    behavior. Now that you have an apology perhaps its time to end.

  5. My point is you shut down the thread when the comments went
    aganst your point of view.

    My point is I shut down the thread when the comments went against Sandbridge. I can’t make this any more clear.

    is your right, however, it certainly spreads doubts about your objectivity to run a blog.

    Objectivity to run a blog? It’s my damned blog. There’s nothing objective about it. You seem to be unfamiliar with the concept.

    This whole situation could have had a happy ending if you had picked
    up the phone and called one of the owners.

    We called over and over and over again until I was treated so rudely and then, yes, we called one more time. That’s way, way above what should be expected of any customer.

    Now that you have an apology perhaps its time to end.

    End? I ended when I posted the blog entry — that was it, finito. Then I ended it again when I closed the comments. Then you, Mr. Anonymous, got all fussy and insisted that I open them again. So I did. And then Sandbridge asked that I close them. Which I did. And now you tell me that I should “end it?”

    This is a complete waste of my time. Please go away.

  6. Thanks Waldo, you’re totally right, and I was totally wrong. I’m sorry I was an ass.

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