Convicted of, what, others’ stupidity?

What a trip:

An Indianapolis man who posed as a disc jockey and tricked men into disrobing was convicted Wednesday of six felonies.


Prosecutors say Brown lured three men to his Eastside home in July 2004 by claiming they could win $50,000 cash or a car as part of a WNOU-FM (93.1) contest.


In the radio hoax, the men were instructed to strip, then leave wearing only a small T-shirt. Two men agreed, disrobing in front of Brown. The third victim noticed Brown’s home detention ankle bracelet, left the home and contacted the radio station.

In this case, police say, Brown found his victims by calling area restaurants and asking to speak with the youngest male employee.


According to his testimony, [one] man took off his clothes, wrapped the tiny T-shirt around his waist like a skirt, then walked back to his car. He passed a woman pushing a baby stroller and heard cat-calls from a truckload of construction workers.

“I’m surprised I didn’t get arrested,” he testified. “It was very embarrassing.”

Mind you, it’s the faux DJ who has been convicted. Not the dope walking around mostly naked.

(Via Metafilter.)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

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