Unwitting reviewer.

Back on March 15, I wrote about the bad experience that Amber and I had with Sandbridge Realty, in hopes that others might avoid the problem. It has since become a Google magnet, appearing prominently in a search for “Sandbridge Realty. A dozen or so people hit my site every day after searching for those terms, and a few of them have posted comments. Some comments are agreeing with me, others report good experiences, and others air some kind of weird personal gripes.

It’s turned into quite a little discussion. I shut it down a few days ago, because I don’t think it’s terribly fair to have a big Sandbridge Realty bash-fest or, at least, I don’t care to host it. Some guy got all upset that I shut down the discussion, though, so I opened it up again just now because, hey, whatever. I figure I’ll shut it down again if I a) get sick of it b) it gets nasty towards whomever or c) Sandbridge Realty asks me to.

Alternately, Sandbridge Realty could ask me to shut it down and I could yell at them, imply that their significant others are liars, and hang up on them. But an eye for an eye, as Ghandi said, leaves the whole world blind.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Unwitting reviewer.”

  1. hi there

    i’m responding to this blog only because i don’t know how else to send you a message.
    I was doing a search on Shannon Worrell and your blog came up — do you have any info as to whether
    she is going to release any new music….sorry to bother you – i’m just a big fan of her music and hoping for some more

    thanks so much

  2. Adam, to my knowledge, Shannon has no intention of recording or releasing any new music any time soon. She goes in and out of the business, though, so perhaps she’ll come ’round again in a few years. :)

  3. Waldo, on the Sandbridge issue — I think you are one of the most uncommonly, outrageously civil bloggers ever. :-) It was kinda fun to watch the mini kerfuffle. Glad to hear you have your power back – we missed you in the blogosphere!

  4. Maybe my google-foo is lacking, but I was not able to find evidence of other complaints against Sandbridge. Waldo, you said you’d come across some other people griping online about their experiences, right?

  5. No problem — I just now checked and realized that had I misread the original post.

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