Triplett sticks around.

Kevin Triplett, who challenged Democratic incumbent Rick Boucher for the 9th District in Southwest Virginia, isn’t going anywhere, writes the Coalfield Progress. He got pretty well beat down on Election Day, with just 38% of the vote, and winning just two counties. As he’s a Floridian [though a Virginia native, a commenter points out], having just moved to Washington County to run for the seat, I’d taken to calling him a carpetbagger. Rather than run off to Florida, licking his wounds, Triplett is stick around. Not in a capacity that shows any desire to do any work on behalf of the 9th, but he has started a new business in Bristol, TN.

That’s a far sight better than Boucher’s last challenger, Jay Katzen, who (ludicrously) moved down to the 9th from Upstate Virginia just to run against Boucher, and then moved straight on home after the race.

Triplett may just be preparing to mount a second challenge against Boucher, though I’m not sure why he’d bother, with numbers that low.

(Via SW Virginia law blog.)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Triplett sticks around.”

  1. Actually Triplett was from Virginia – Clintwood, Virginia. I only know this because its my hometown, not because I am Triplett fan.

    He only went to Florida so he could work with Nascar. His dad was a school superintendent or some school related official in Dickenson County.

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