Clark has abandoned his professed beliefs for his own ambitions.

Jeff Clark, the far-right independent candidate in the 5 CD race, is considering filing a lawsuit to force his way into debates with Congressman Perriello and challenger Robert Hurt: He has been working with the Rutherford Institute, a civil liberties organization headquartered in Albemarle County, to challenge his exclusion from the debates. Clark said the …

Congressman Perriello’s got cojones.

Whatever one might think of Rep. Tom Perriello, only a fool or a liar would deny that the guy has cojones. Just look at what he did this evening: speak at the monthly meeting of the Jefferson Area Tea Party. Consider that for a moment. Perriello is, for the second year in a row, holding …

Conservative poll shows Hurt leading Perriello.

I’m trying to figure out how to get back into the swing of things here after an extraordinarily trying month, but I do want to point out the first reasonable poll in the Fifth District. (And understand that I’m using “reasonable” loosely—this poll was conducted for the American Action Forum, a conservative group, making it …

Hurt will, won’t debate his opponents.

Republican congressional nominee Robert Hurt can’t seem to make up his mind as to whether he’s going to debate his challenger from the right, Jeff Clark. In a recorded interview with The Daily Progress a week ago, he had this exchange with the paper: DP: [Are you] going to be willing to debate Jeff Clark …

Sen. Hurt is, in fact, the most partisan member of the senate.

I just finished adding a new feature to Richmond Sunlight—the ability to sort through legislators by a variety of attributes like location, race, sex, year they started in office, etc.—and when I was done, I found a bug. For some reason, my code was listing Sen. Robert Hurt as the most partisan Republican in the …

McPadden on “when the going gets tough.”

This Fifth District Republican primary is really separating the men from the boys: [Robert] Hurt is a likable person personally, [Mike] McPadden said, but “Democrats and moderates like Hurt will vote to raise taxes when the going gets tough.” That’s right—if the U.S. were (say) invaded by China, that namby-pamby Tom Perrillo or the spineless …

5CD Republicans have started their debate debate.

Feda Morton is angry because Sen. Robert Hurt has declined to participate in a pair of proposed candidate forums, and the story behind why he declined turns out to be revealing. Both are among the seven Republicans looking for the nomination to run against Rep. Tom Perriello. The race is basically Hurt vs. everybody else. …

Robert Hurt has signed on with the free-lunch crowd.

Sen. Robert Hurt is courting the fringe right, Olympia Meola writes in today’s Times-Dispatch: Some conservatives object to Hurt’s voting record—principally his support of a $1.4 billion tax increase pushed by former Gov. Mark R. Warner in 2004. After he cast that vote, Hurt was among 19 Republican delegates and 15 Republican state senators featured …

Hurt jumps into the fray.

Sen. Robert Hurt is joining the fray for the Republican nomination in the 5th CD. He’s the sixth candidate to enter the race to challenge Rep. Tom Perriello, and enters as the clear leader. Hurt only advanced to the senate last election, and before that served in the house since 2002. He’s never really distinguished …