Ongoing traffic problems.

My continuing apologies for ongoing traffic problems with this site and others on this server, perhaps most notably Both this site and have been experience geometric growth in traffic in the past few months, and it’s just gotten to be too much for my little server sitting in a closet, connected to the …

“On ‘getting it’,” or “Obama and me.”

“He gets it.” This phrase — “gets it” — is a phrase tossed around obnoxiously by us internet veterans, and is used to refer to an individual or an entity that “groks” (there’s another one of those words) the internet. Not just uses the internet, but that fully appreciates and takes advantage of the give-and-take …

Bob Marshall’s on the internets.

Ol’ Bob Marshall has his very own website now. It really summarizes his career. Want to contact him during the 11 months of the year when the GA isn’t in session? You can meet him here: District Office P.O. Box 421 Manassas, VA 20108 (It’s very cozy.) Want to get in touch with him by …

I’m not sure this helps make it up to them.

In today’s (Florida) Bradenton Herald, columnist Wade Tatangelo has an article about me and, based on a phone interview that he did with me a week or so ago. He needed to do a piece about DMB playing there shortly, and I was, like, the twelfth-best thing to talking to a band member. Wade’s …