Election pledge.

Tuesday night, election gods willing, we’ll get the results of the day’s votes in Virginia’s races. Here are my personal rules of conduct pertaining to those results: Gloating is acceptable, but only for a few days, and the less the better. A margin of less than 10 points is neither a “mandate” nor a “landslide.” …

Interview about McDonnell money laundering Fri. morning.

I’m going to be on 1260 WCHV‘s “AM Charlottesville” tomorrow morning, from around 8:10am until around 8:50am, talking about the rapidly-unfolding Bob McDonnell money laundering scandal. (See James Grimaldi’s excellent article in today’s Washington Post for the latest revelations. Very impressive work, Mr. Grimaldi!) WCHV doesn’t stream, so it’s only for you local kids.

Asian lady beetle invasion.

The Asian lady beetle invasion is on. I am not going to let it get as bad as last year — these biting, stinking bastards are going down. I’m not the only one, but that doesn’t make it any less horrible. If anybody has any slick tips, I’m all ears. I’ll be outside, having some …

Papa’s got a brand new bag.

Two separate, seemingly-unrelated thoughts, which I will cleverly bring together, in a manner not altogether unlike Dave Barry: Thought The First I’ve been a website developer since I was a teenager. I was, to my knowledge, the first professional website developer. (Period.) It’s been over a decade, and I’ve worked with dozens (hundreds?) of clients. …