Links for May 5th

  • Wikipedia: Timeline of Web Browsers
    A family tree for web browsers. There are a lot of browsers here I hadn't thought of for years. HotJava, ViolaWWW, and Cello, in particular.
  • Voice of America: Historian Recounts Role of Chinese Americans Who Fought in US Civil War
    In 1861, there were only 200 Asians living in the Eastern U.S. Fifty-eight of them fought in the Civil War, at least five of whom fought for the CSA. Two of the Confederates were Christopher and Stephen Bunker, the sons of famed Siamese twins Chang and Eng, who owned slaves on their North Carolina farm.
  • New York Times: The Ultimate Kentucky Derby
    A simulation pitting the last twenty Kentucky Derby winners against each other. (Barbaro repeats his 2006 win.) Without any context as to how the simulation calculates the winner, this is just an amusement for horse racing fans.
  • The First State of the Union Message
    President George Washington to Congress, 1790: "[T]here is nothing which can better deserve your patronage, than the promotion of Science and Literature."

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Links for May 5th”

  1. You have an amazing reading breadth!

    Forget Chinese fighting in the Civil War. What astounds me:
    1) How Siamese twins Chang and Eng managed to father two sons. That’s some kinky stuff!
    2) Republican Chinese-American Edward Cohota managed to vote illegally for 30 years, despite the alien status of Chinese-Americans.

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