links for 2011-01-07

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “links for 2011-01-07”

  1. Verizon Wireless began their “4G” hype late last month to business customers. And the chatter has begun that an iPhone will drop from the VZW heavens in the morning. Glory be, praise Steven. Meanwhile small business users await simple service pricing plans and the sense that the company is managed by respectable people. Alas, the industry truly has been overtaken by rogues and pirates.

  2. On bees:

    If you want bees, gotta get started now. We’re going to do a hive ourselves for multiple reasons (honey, pollination, teaching the kids, etc) and are being advised to start now before it’s too late for the hive for the year.

    This also means I’ll have to plant some wildflowers just to make sure I get good honey. And avoiding stupid hybrid seeds for the garden — never again.

    Shoot me an e-mail if you want contacts for beekeepers in the area.

  3. Glad to see mainstream Muslims stepping up and condemning the radicals. It’s way overdue.

  4. I don’t think we’re going to do bees this year, Shaun, but maybe next year. We’ve got easily a half-acre of native wildflowers that we planted a couple of years ago. Combined with our garden, I hope that’s enough to keep our bees busy. :) I hope you’ll write some about your own experiences with keeping bees, as you get started.

  5. I love how things as odd as apiculture can bring people together. I’ve always wanted to keep bees, but it’s never been in the cards for me.

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