links for 2010-10-07

  • As St. Peter's Church celebrates their 225th anniversary, the pastor is realizing that the story of their founding seems pretty familiar. When the church was built—the first Catholic church in New York—angry Manhattan residents held demonstrations, accused the church of being anti-American, said that it was being paid for by foreign influences, and demanded that it be built outside of the city. Protestants even stormed the church on Christmas Eve in 1806, furious at the celebration of Christmas going on within, which Protestant then believed to be hokum. A policeman was killed. Dozens were injured. As you can imagine, the pastor welcomes his new Muslim neighbors.
  • An unusual team has the strongest theory yet of the cause of colony collapse disorder. They think the culprit is a combination of a virus and a fungus, both of which thrive in cool, damp conditions, and both of which act on the bee's gut.
  • The catch with light farming animals is that you've got to decide whether they're pets or livestock, and treat them accordingly. This is a story of what happens when that boundary isn't respected.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “links for 2010-10-07”

  1. A “broody” hen is actually doing very well. She is ready to set on a clutch of eggs with devotion for 21 days and hatch out chicks. If you have a rooster in with your hens, just put a dozen or so of the fertile eggs under her, don’t let other hens knock her off her nest, and you will have chicks.

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