links for 2010-09-29

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

10 replies on “links for 2010-09-29”

  1. Now, Waldo. You’re being a bit harsh on Christine. She actually does — now — have her degree from Fairleigh Dickinson. She was supposed to have graduated in 1993 — she actually attended the commencement ceremony in 1993 but did not receive a degree. While it has been reported that her degree was being withheld for unpaid tuition, that is only half right. In 1994, Fairleigh Dickinson University got a judgment against her for $4,823. She paid the judgment in 2003, but they still didn’t give her the degree. It seems that she was still shy one course. After she completed a required course in the summer of 2010, Fairleigh Dickinson awarded her a bachelor’s degree in English literature, with a concentration in communication.

    And you’d better not say nasty things about her, or she’ll turn you into a frog.

  2. *Laugh* Yes, with that updated information, she does come out looking at a lot better. ;)

    No, really, I had no idea that was the place that she got her degree from this summer. Thanks for that.

  3. Waldo, how is that related to Sarah Palin? While they both spout some crazy things, I can’t recall Palin ever exaggerating (lying about) her education record in this manner.

    I was just referring to the overall similarities: a relatively young, white, female candidate for high office who is clearly entirely unprepared for her candidacy, with a closet jam-packed with skeletons. Although, now that I think about it, they do share weird educational backgrounds. Remember Palin attending five colleges in six years? There didn’t prove to be any lies there, IIRC, just a rather extraordinary path to a degree.

  4. @Patience: I suspect the condoms were unwrapped. :-/

    I can’t even decide whether this guy’s actions were illegal or even immoral, though they were odd for sure. Was it performance art? Was it sexual harassment?

  5. I thought electing judges was a pretty swell idea until I took a judicial process class, some years ago. The very idea of giving campaign contributions to sitting judges just skeeves me out.

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