The Post profiles Creigh Deeds post-election.

Frederick Kunkle had a tough-to-read article about Sen. Creigh Deeds in yesterday’s Washington Post. For those of us who have gotten to know him in the nine years since he ascended to the senate, there’s a lot in here that’s sad. Losing an election is tough, and the easy thing to do afterwards is to simply go away, like so many candidates do. (Neither Jerry Kilgore nor Mark Earley have been much heard from since the day after they lost.) Right after he lost reelection—and his marriage—Creigh had to start in on the 2010 General Assembly session. Those of us who follow him on Twitter or Facebook have seen him immerse himself in music. Creigh puts it as anybody who has had a conversation with him can easily picture him saying:

What choice do I have? You either live, or you die. If you die, you’re dead. If you live, you’ve got a responsibility to keep moving, keep working, keep fighting. The struggle goes on. That’s the position I’m in.

It’ll be interesting to see what his district looks like after the 2011 session.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “The Post profiles Creigh Deeds post-election.”

  1. I have immense respect for Creigh. He’s the pride of the Alleghanies. He don’t quit, and it cost him plenty. I’m hoping these tough times will only temper his strength because nobody knew better than Creigh what we were getting with Bob McDonnell. Creigh saw the pandering character, the vanity, the agenda. He reminded us that once again the elites were poised to take Virginia for their own and dismiss the needs of so many. Enjoy those rest areas on your job search drive my friends! Bob WAS for jobs, his job.

  2. Creigh is a very good man, and one of the finest people I’ve ever met. I wish only the best for him.

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