links for 2010-01-11

  • I've never favored changes to filibuster rules in the Senate. The majority always hates it, and the minority uses it. So it goes. But what I did not realize is that the filibuster changed in 1975. A filibuster no longer involves somebody talking and talking. It's a *procedural* filibuster—a senator just has to say, basically, "insert filibuster here." And that's horseshit. I respect the filibuster because I respect the balls that it takes to stand up and talk for hours and hours to keep something from going forward. But I have zero respect for this procedural filibuster business. We need to eliminate the procedural filibuster.
  • Well, this should be a hoot. Say, the whole "is Fox News nonpartisan or is it not?" debate—is that still a thing among people clear on the whole ass/elbow dichotomy? Because back when it was a thing, this would have settled it nicely. Except that nobody had ever heard of Sarah Palin then.
    (tags: palin foxnews)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “links for 2010-01-11”

  1. no filibustering filibuster? that does seem like BS- the Senators seem to be a lazy lot these days

  2. Reminds me of the “appease the censors” substitution made my Jethro Tull’s record label to an airplay version of 1971’s “Locomotive Breath.” In the passage “…the all-time winner has got him by the balls,” they replaced “balls” with “fun.”

    “I represent the fun…”
    “I respect the fun…”

    All sounds like fun to me, Waldo!

    P.S. I’m freezing my fun off this winter.

  3. Is the ass really a different piece of anatomy than my elbow? Lemme think, I guess I can’t bend by ass 150 degrees…ahhh! Now if I could only learn the difference between the glans penis and the cranium…

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