links for 2009-11-26

  • This guy pulled over to yell at a cyclist for having his three-year-old in a child safety seat on the back of his bike, saying it's unsafe. They exchanged words. The cyclist walked away. So the guy shot the cyclist in the head with a handgun. The cyclist lived because, luckily, the bullet lodged in his helmet. The shooter was charged with attempted first-degree murder. A judge has sentenced the shooter to…four months in prison. I know that stretch of road. It's totally reasonable to cycle on, and definitely not worth shooting somebody in the head over.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “links for 2009-11-26”

  1. Yeah, nothing says safety like a gunshot to the head for not following along.

    This world is nuts. And 4 months? If he had been caught with contraband, he would have gone away for years. Something wrong there.

  2. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. There’s got to be more to this story. Anger management training and 4 months time? What kind of collusion is going on here?

    So basically, as long as people are wearing a helmet and I don’t mind doing 4 months in the can, I can shot a handgun aimed at people’s head at random strangers I have an altercation with? I repeat, Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

  3. 1)With his felony conviction Diez loses the privilege to carry a firearm. Hopefully that will never change.
    2)Asheville, NC, despite its many attractive aspects is still the seriously f-ed up town that Thomas Wolfe described. I know it is a city, but it is run like a club. About 12 Ashvillians can make anything happen, and if you weren’t born there, you’ll never belong there.

  4. C’mon. People have a second amendment right to shoot people in the head who disagree with them….don’t they?

  5. In the early 1980’s a few well connected Asheville commercial property owners decided that the way to revitalize the city was to throw in with a big developer and facilitate the condemnation/demolition of most of downtown Asheville – to build a convention center. It took an election recall to fix that corruption, and ignited the last big backlash to the “good ‘ol boys”. Maybe this latest travesty will do the same.

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