links for 2009-09-02

  • Venu Katta has arranged for a debate between me—in support of Creigh Deeds—and a fellow by the name of Tom White—in support of Bob McDonnell. It will be held from 7:30pm to 9:30pm on Saturday the 12th.
  • The paper is re-running their 2003 article in which Bob McDonnell objected to seating a judge who he suspected to be a lesbian because he thought she was gay and, therefore, in violation of state anti-sodomy statutes. The real kicker is that this reporter asked McDonnell had ever violated the law, and he said: "Not that I can recall." I hope his wife slapped him silly when he got home. A hypocrite *and* a liar—there's a heck of a combination.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

13 replies on “links for 2009-09-02”

  1. what we need is a national message from every artist, politician, and famous person that is five-fold.

    first, we need to be subsidizing crops in proportion to the scientific food pyramid. Right now it’s almost exactly an inverse relationship between the scientific food pyramid and the way we subsidize crops. I’m not saying necessarily give corn less money, but just raise the necessary funds to make it proportional.

    second, the only way to stop global warming, and a great way for families to make a little extra cash, is to get solar panels, since most states now will pay you back for ALL the energy you add to the grid.

    third, the only way to fight terrorism is with public transportation, cuz we get most our oil from Saudi Arabia and in the process give money to wahhabists (wahhabism is a hardline sect of Islam) which is what most the terrorists are.

    forth, let every one know 1/3 of all women (that we know of) have been sexually assaulted and women need to take extra special care to make sure that it doesn’t happen to them because men rape. that’s what they do. not that it’s any excuse for it.

    and finally, if people want to know what more can be done to better the nation, to visit

  2. This Judgeship battle seems to be particularly ill considered, regardless of the ability to expose Bob McDonnell as a prejudicial homophobe. After all if some typically geezerish dirty old man judge had cost Newport News $65,000 to settle a sexual harassment charge would we be holding him up as an example of discriminated heterosexuals? Would we be clamoring to have him made a judge? If so, then maybe we need to reopen this entire sexual harassment complex.

    We know that Bob is in the thrall of a fringe religious belief system and his Masters thesis is plenty damning. His rock is mired somewhere in old testament fantasy, let’s talk about that.

  3. “… men rape. That’s what they do”? Wow, THERE’S a sweeping generalization.

    I guess someone should question my manliness, because I’ve never raped anyone.

  4. Also, Dan, you have no need to do anything about the fact that you and the rest of the men on the planet are rapin’ fools. It’s all on us women to take care of ourselves, no need for you to change your mind-set.

    “The real kicker is that this reporter asked McDonnell had ever violated the law, and he said: “Not that I can recall.””

    See, he said he couldn’t remember. That’s totally different, because it doesn’t rule out being drunk, repression, or brain disease (well, there’s a prereq. for that one…).

  5. Dan writes: “I guess someone should question my manliness, because I’ve never raped anyone.”

    Yea, but it’s still early in the day.

  6. …in which Bob McDonnell objected to seating a judge who he suspected to be a lesbian because he thought she was gay and, therefore, in violation of state anti-sodomy statutes.

    No, that’s not what he said. Did you read it? McDonnell specifically said that being gay was not a disqualifier. Illegal sexual acts should be considered, but by themselves wouldn’t be enough to disqualify.

    McDonnell objected to Askew’s reappointment because she violated ethical rules by not disclosing that she was a defendant in a civil sexual harassment suit.

    The facts matter, and reporting them accurately matters. You know that.

  7. No, that’s not what he said. Did you read it? McDonnell specifically said that being gay was not a disqualifier.

    McDonnell’s statement is such bullshit that it’s not worth acknowledging. It’s like saying “you can be black, but you can’t act black,” or “you can come from another country, but you can’t speak any other languages.” It’s asinine.

    Illegal sexual acts should be considered, but by themselves wouldn’t be enough to disqualify.

    That’s not what he said. He said: “I’m not telling you I would disqualify a judge per se if he said he was gay. I’m talking about their actions.” He’s saying “I wouldn’t disqualify a judge for thinking gay, merely for being gay.” Which, again, is such a bullshit distinction that it’s not worth acknowledging.

  8. you know, sodomy was originally supposed to mean all sexual immorality, anal sex, rape, incest, molestation, and adultery, not just anal sex. and the reason it’s bad to be gay and act gay is that nobody should be sure of anyone’s sexuality, if you’re really being true to your fellow man. some people actually are hardwired to be gay, just not all, and the ones that aren’t you can tell they think they’re gay because they flaunt it, and that’s not right. people go gay for lots of reasons, and gay people go straight all the time.

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