links for 2009-09-03

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “links for 2009-09-03”

  1. The Shante story saddens me. She was featured in one of those VH1 “remember this” series and I didn’t recall them mentioning any of the education issues when this most recent story broke. Oh well, would have been cool if it were true.

    The racial implications of the fake story and “record execs not expecting a young black girl from the ghetto to amount to anything” is pretty similar to crazy white pulling some crazy crime then saying an imaginary “black man did it”. Funny how that works. At first, you could imagine some sleazy record exec thinking along those lines. But the fact that someone wrote a fake story knowing people would accept thinking about a record exec like that makes me scratch my head.

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