links for 2009-08-08

  • The Lexington-based but internationally-renowned died last night at 75. I've been listening to a lot of New Lost City Rambler recently, and really enjoying it. Seeger (Pete's half-brother) brought southern, roots-country music respect among folk musicians who otherwise had ignored it.
  • Bonner & Associates also forged letters to Rep. Perriello claiming to be from the Jefferson Area Board for the Aging (JABA) and the American Association of University Women. With three congressman affected at this point, this story is slowing metastasizing.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “links for 2009-08-08”

  1. I caught one of Mike Seeger’s performances a couple of years ago up at Humpback Rocks, in a session where he was demonstrating varieties of banjos and banjo performance styles. He must have been one of the most self-effacing musicians out there–he spent a lot of his time talking about where he had learned a particular song or picking style, mentioning by name all the local individuals or groups that were known for their version of a work, and so on. But it clearly meant that he could participate in the old-timey music community as a peer and not as some kind of prima donna visitor, which must have been a lot of fun over the years.

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