PPP survey has Deeds dominating his opponents.

One day before the election, and Public Policy Polling has Creigh Deeds crushing his opponents with 40% of the vote, McAuliffe at 26%, and Moran at 24%. He’s ahead everywhere but Hampton Roads—including upstate. Outside of the eastern urban crescent, he’s up over 50%. Throughout the state his favorable ratings are far above those of his opponents, above a majority everywhere but in Hampton Roads, where he’s at 48%. The undecideds are all voting for Deeds, and with only 10% of voters still undecided, it’s tough to summon a scenario in which McAuliffe or Moran could win at this point, save for some really unlikely turnout numbers.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “PPP survey has Deeds dominating his opponents.”

  1. Remember, folks — Creigh shifted some of his resources from field to communications to help generate this late surge, so I’m sure he could use the volunteer hours today and tomorrow to ensure that the support surge translates into votes on election day.

  2. Sam is correct! Stop by our office today or tomorrow to help out! Email me at reed@deedsforvirginia.com with any questions!

    Also, come to our election eve rally tonight at 9 PM at our Charlottesville HQ at 214 ridge street across from the downtown firestation and the Salvation army.

  3. Do people have to sign (or verbally affirm) some sort of loyalty pledge to vote in the primary? At this point, I’m probably going to vote McDonnell, but I would want to vote for Deeds. I don’t want McAuliffe to get a whiff of the general, and a Deeds/McDonnell race would result in the best possible outcome no matter who wins.

    So even if I can’t vote in the primary… I’m rooting for ya, Deeds!

  4. If you are certain that you will vote for Bob McDonnell, you might think twice about voting in the primary, Meri. I’m not saying that it’s morally wrong—I’m not honestly sure—and Virginia has such fluid party ID that I think it’s quite fitting that we have open primaries. It’s really not something that I’ve thought through enough to have an opinion on, but I encourage you to think through whether you’re OK with participating in the process of selecting a candidate for whom you don’t intend to vote. On the other hand, if you are open to the possibility of voting for Creigh Deeds in November, I don’t believe there’s any moral quandary.

  5. Well, I’d say I’m about 97% sure that I’ll be voting McDonnell in November (regardless of opponent). But if a Democrat is going to beat McDonnell, I do NOT want that to be McAuliffe. Deeds would be supported somewhat, Moran would be juuust acceptable, McAuliffe… well. If my support was doled out, I’d wager it would be as follows:

    85% McDonnell
    25% Deeds
    2% Moran
    -12% McAuliffe


  6. Still undecided here. Anyone hear anything about Olmstead implementation from any of these candidates? Prison reform? Violence against women issues? Medicaid, the shame of Virginia with 80% of federal poverty level as the criteria? Anything for people not of means except Moran’s raise the mininum wage? I won’t vote just because someone will more likely win in this one.

  7. Meri… Vote however and whenever you want. Just a warning though… if you vote in a Democratic primary and support Republican causes you run the risk of ending up on the call sheets and walk sheets of every candidate in the state. I got about 10 phone calls yesterday, and I’ve supported one candidate from the beginning.

  8. @Dan: Haha. Thanks for the heads-up. I think I’ll probably just forego voting tomorrow, and just encourage some of my more Democratic-ly minded friends to pull the lever for Creigh. Good luck to all!

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