Left of Center: Poverty in Charlottesville

You’ve heard the stories about tent cities springing up around major cities throughout the U.S. We’re not quite at that point in Charlottesville, but with 20% of the city below the poverty line, it’s time for some innovative thinking to tackle this problem. Tomorrow night’s Left of Center forum is on that very topic:

The federal government’s definition of poverty for a household of one adult with one child was income below $14,291 in 2007. Yet, according to one estimate, a single mother or father with one child in Charlottesville would need $34,000 a year to be self-sufficient. What can our community do to help all its members become self-sufficient? What can we learn from what other cities have done to address this problem?

Speakers: Buzz Cox, director of Charlottesville’s Department of Social Services; Holly Edwards of Charlottesville City Council; Overton McGehee, executive director of Habitat for Humanity in Virginia; and Ed Olsen, a professor of economics at the University of Virginia.

Join me at Rapture tomorrow night at 7:00 PM. Have some drinks, see some friends, and learn about how the recession is affecting those in our town least able to weather these financial doldrums.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

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