Some random guy running for LG.

Apparently there’s a third (potential) Democratic candidate for LG—Rich Savage.

Who? you ask. Good question.

Jeff Schapiro explains that Savage is 46 years old, a father of two, a California native, a campaign consultant and he’s lived in Virginia for fifteen years. Past clients include Viola Baskerville and, interestingly, Dickie Cranwell. I guess he’s gotten together enough money for a poll; Cooper & Seacrest called me on his behalf at dinnertime. He says his top priority is education; since the LG basically does nothing, that would leave him with plenty of time to do education-y stuff, I suppose.

It’s nice that this fellow wants to perform some public service, but I’d recommend starting with school board or something.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Some random guy running for LG.”

  1. Worse than random — another active Democrat reported to me that he received a call claiming to be a poll but it basically devolved to asking a lot of inflammatory questions about Jody Wagner and Jon Bowerbank. (Like “If you knew that this candidate spent his/her spare time strangling cocker spaniel puppies, would you still support him/her?”) It did not, shall we say, leave a positive impression.

  2. @ Jackson Landers, you are obviously referring to Jody Wagner right? she doesn’t even have an issues page on her website, she should stick to selling popcorn.

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