Will nobody take the Gilmore Challenge?

Not one person can provide documented evidence that Jim Gilmore left the state’s government in good financial shape? It’s been three days, and nobody has even tried to support this oft-repeated claim. Is Gilmore so unpopular that nobody wants to defend him on this anymore? Or does it turn out that the story just isn’t true?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Will nobody take the Gilmore Challenge?”

  1. His own party is ashamed of him and his performance from his tenure as Governor.

    I hope he has something lined up for post-election time, because he isn’t going to win here.

    That’s right, he has plenty of cronies who will look out for him. Maybe Senator Vogel will give him a job.

  2. Too busy digging their fightin’ holes deeper?

    That high profile FBI arrest of Ralph Cioffi this week… the Bear Sterns hedge funder was also a CEO at Everquest Financial. Jim Gilmore is Chairman of the Board at Everquest, and thought that pimping high risk sub-prime investments to investors was a good idea. Remind you of his car-tax scam?

    Jim Gilmore, you ain’t no daisy!

  3. this is a most excellent way to demonstrate that the Republican party (both local and national) generally cannot stand scrutiny.

    you should turn this into a site feature…call it the ‘800 pound elephant’. if you do, you may never hear from IPublius or Smails again…..hmmmmm.

    love it when the patina cracks…..

  4. this is a most excellent way to demonstrate that the Republican party (both local and national) generally cannot stand scrutiny.

    you should turn this into a site feature…call it the ‘800 pound elephant’. if you do, you may never hear from IPublius or Smails again…..hmmmmm.

    Well, that’s no good—how else would we find out whether our ideas can withstand scrutiny? :)

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