Visiting Richmond.

I’ll be spending a good chunk of Monday hanging out around the General Assembly. It will be my first visit to the proper chambers, since they were in temporary quarters for the past few years while the building was renovated. (I went in high school, but I barely remember.) Can anybody recommend anything interesting I should watch? Nothing on the calendar jumps out at me.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “Visiting Richmond.”

  1. Waldo, you might find Courts of Justice interesting – it starts one-half hour after Session ends.

  2. I’d advocate watching the debacle in the Courts of Justice committee followed by the Criminal Law sub-committee where your duly elected representatives will attempt to destroy the civil rights of thousands of people. If that’s not interesting, what is?

  3. Coalition for Virginians with Mental Disabilities (broad-based mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse coalition) annual coalition rally/lobby day takes place tomorrow. 10 – 11 am at St. Paul’s (right across from GAB). Hundreds of participants. Lots of legislators expected to stop by on their way to floor session. At 7:00 pm the House Courts mental health subcommittee will be taking up HB 499, the omnibus bill for involuntary committment, arguably the biggest changes that may take place to Virginia’s mental health law in about 30 years. House Room D, 7:00 pm.

  4. Wow, sounds like there’s lots going on!

    Terry & Jason, I’m afraid I can’t join y’all. I’m headed down with my wife and sister-and-law, and I’m slave to their schedule and route. Next time, though, eh?

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