Gilmore just looking to run for something.

Jim Gilmore tells Bob Gibson that he’s “fully considering a bid for the U.S. Senate in 2008” or possibly running for governor in 2009. Either is a non-starter. Gilmore has no base; just compare Gov. Warner’s aborted presidential campaign (or Allen’s nascent campaign) to Gilmore’s aborted campaign.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “Gilmore just looking to run for something.”

  1. Good. I don’t want Gilmore to run for anything. I want him to run for EVERYTHING!

    Gilmore v. Republican Presidential Candidates
    Gilmore v. Warner
    Gilmore v. Claytor?

  2. “Certainly, Congressman [Thomas M.] Davis would like to be the senator,” Gilmore said of the 58-year-old Fairfax County GOP representative, his chief potential rival for the nomination if Warner, R-Alexandria, decides to retire. “We’re pretty confident that the message that I have and the record that I have would make me the nominee.”

    I believe it is only a matter of time until we read that Jim Gilmore was found passed out naked at the Hermitage Country Club and shipped off to the Betty Ford Clinic. Tom Davis raised nearly $400K last quarter Jimmy. He’s sitting on $1.05 million waiting for John Warner to say go. Not “pledges” Jim, cash.

  3. Do Allen, Kilgore and Gilmore play Rock, Paper, Scissors every cycle to see who runs for what? The repubs need some new blood, badly.

    They would trade all three away for just one Mark Warner.

  4. I don’t know, tim. Allen, Kilgore and Gilmore are, what, a combined 4-2 in statewide elections, and just 9,000 or so votes away from being 5-1. Mark Warner’s 1-2. Sure, he won the last one, but as Bill Parcells told the Dallas press after a rookie quarterback had a good game, “It was one game. Let’s put away the anointing oil for now.”

  5. Does that 9,000 votes include the ones lost in the macaca encrusted freefall from a double digit lead?

    Back to Gilmore. I hope he runs again, so we can pick up an easy win. You have to admit, even among repubs he is your bottom of the barrel.

  6. I’ll put it this way: he’s not my first pick. He’d likely, almost certainly, lose to M. Warner. Nevertheless, a M. Warner v. Allen or T. Davis scenario is not quite so clear cut. My own hope is that G. Allen runs again and resurrects his political career. Stranger things have happen.

  7. And this is why the GOP is fading from relevancy nationwide and we have people like Senators Webb and Tester. This is how I (and how 55%+ of voters will think after the Democratic candidate reminds them ad nauseum) interpret Smails’ quote:

    “My candidate was outed as a racist. Instead of thanking God that such a moron was shown for what he was and is no longer in a position of being a public figurehead of my party, I want him to come back stronger and louder than he ever was before!”

    Whatever Kool-Aid you’re drinking, buddy, keep it up!

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