Crazy bloggers shown the door by News Leader.

The Staunton News Leader has a stunning smack down of Scott Sayre’s most vocal, most offensive supporters, citing four bloggers by (pseudo)name and calling on “the snakes” to resign from the party “today.” I’ve never seen a lead editorial like this. If the Daily Progress was moved to write about me in such terms, I don’t think I’d leave my bedroom for a month.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

12 replies on “Crazy bloggers shown the door by News Leader.”

  1. Waldo:
    Do you think it has something to do with the fact that as part of the ‘New Media’ that the Daily Progress has never felt anywhere as nearly threatened by you, as apparently the Slantin (Too the Left) MisLeader feels by those cited?

  2. I believe that the following quotation is allowed under settled law regarding copyright and is posted for review educational purposes only.

    From the News-Leader:

    As if they were ever anonymous; anyone with even a nodding familiarity with local politics and blogs knows who the people are who hide behind the tawdry masks of “SWAC Girl,” “General Grievous’ Dog,” “Elle,” “John Maxfield,” et al. Rather than being stand-up honest and putting their real names on their works, however, they prefer to live in a pretend world of comic book personae and blog postings that would have graced the walls of a bathroom stall in a more graceful age.

    Devastating, and correct.

  3. Why does anyone who disagrees with the SWAC bloggers have to feel “threatened”? Is that the classic line you use to make yourself feel better. You gambled. You lost. It’s okay. Just prepare to reap the benefits of it.

  4. “Bipartisanship is another name for date rape, we are trying to change the tones in the state capitals — and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship.”
    Grover Norquist, GOP strategist,head of Americans for Tax Reform, and SWAC Mullah.

    Grover Norquist should be in federal prison. Anyone that rides with Grover Norquist rides with the Devil. Repent!

  5. make no mistake Kilo:
    Democrats voted en masse for Hanger. Many a vehicle drove away from the polls with a Democrat endorsed bumper sticker on the back. Open Primary’s served the career politicians well…
    Spank That Donkey | Spark It Up| 06.13.07 – 8:44 am

    That was me, you twit! Try not to bite the hand that is helping. I’m deeply disappointed that Sayre didn’t get the nomination, but I look forward to your ascension to the Augusta County Republican Party Chair. Keep up the good work! Best to Lynn, Kurt, Ann, Alex, the Wise-man. Long live SWACPAC!

  6. I look forward to your ascension to the Augusta County Republican Party Chair. Keep up the good work! Best to Lynn, Kurt, Ann, Alex, the Wise-man. Long live SWACPAC!

    Hells yeah. Can we start a grassroots campaign?

  7. I believe that the following quotation is allowed under settled law regarding copyright and is posted for review educational purposes only.

    Not to mention Fair Use provisions.

  8. Spankin’:
    Do you think it has something to do with the fact that as part of the ‘New Media’ I belong to that the Daily Progress has never felt anywhere as nearly threatened by us, as apparently the News Leader does feel threatened by us?

    Who are you again?

  9. “Childish blogs are but a symptom of the disease that afflicts local Republican leadership”
    Better written as: “Childish blogs are but a symptom of the disease that afflicts our current political atmosphere”

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