5M WH e-mails gone missing.

The White House “lost” 5,000,000 e-mails between ’03-’05 alone. The administration is now blaming unclear White House policies which a) they set and b) are very, very clear.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “5M WH e-mails gone missing.”

  1. If there was ever any doubt about impeachment those doubts should be gone (really they should’ve been gone a long time ago- but what can I say, some people just need the brick over the head before they realize they’ve been hit).

  2. I get the sense that this might be very bad for the administration. Like the outing of Valerie Plame, it might be the sort of small action (compared to, say, lying to start a war) that turns into a very big problem.

  3. O, your rapier wit!

    I tried reading the story, but all the traffic Waldo’s sending their way seems to have overloaded the servers at the august and undoubtedly nonpartisan citizensforethics.com.

    I’m quite certain impeachment proceedings are imminent.

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