VAYD Blogger of the Year nominees.

The Virginia Young Democrats’ Blogger of the Year nominees have been named. In the teen category it’s Kenton Ngo against Johnny Camacho. In the college category it’s Nate de la Piedra, James Martin and The Ditzy Democrats. And in the young adult category it’s me, Brian Patton and Shawn Becker. Voting can be done on their website. The winner will be announced at their annual meeting over in Harrisonburg. I guess I should go so I can concede gracefully.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “VAYD Blogger of the Year nominees.”

  1. Feeling dense here, but I registered so I could vote and can’t figure out how to vote in any category but college blogger on the website. Any clues for the clueless?

  2. Waldo,

    There will undoubtedly be a fair amount of graceful concession surrounding the Blogger of the Year Awards. However, something tells me that you, of all people, will not have to engage in it.

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