Del. Plum discusses secret votes.

Here’s the audio of Del. Ken Plum’s appearance on WINA yesterday discussing his open government bill, HR48. It’s up for a vote on Thursday and, if it passes, the House of Delegates will be barred from holding secret votes to kill bills, as they did with a jaw-dropping 30% of all bills last year.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Del. Plum discusses secret votes.”

  1. Kenneth Plum is one of our finest state delegates. Before redistricting, he represented my district, and then, as well as now, he has been a supporter and an advocate for quality of life issues for the intellectually disabled in the Commonwealth.

    In the past three years, The Coalition for the Disabled has had two September march/rallys to Capitol Square in Richmond. Delegate Plum marched with us in both of them.

    Listening to the audio of the discussion of HR84, it seems to me that there cannot be a sound reason for not passing this resolution….transparencywise.

    Let us hope that sound reason prevails tomorrow.

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